The Safe and Effective Antiarthitics
Arthritis is one of the common ailments affecting all age groups beginning 25 year onwards. Rheumatism afflicts over millions of people among Indian Population. Studies carried out at all India Institute of Medical sciences with the help of Indian council of Medical Research have shown that more than 10% (80 to 90 millions approx) of adult population in India suffer from Arthritis.
Female form around eight percent of total arthritic patients. There is inflammation of single or multiple joints, which leads to severe pain and swelling. Free joint movements are affected and they often results in crippling. There's more than 100 varieties of Arthritis, but commonest of them are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Gout.
In Osteo Arthritis and R. Arthritis